Lorma Kidney Transplant Institute
The Lorma Kidney Transplant Institute provides personalized, holistic and best possible care to kidney transplant patients and their family. Our team is dedicated to make the entire kidney transplant process more convenient and less stressful for the patient. It has a multidisciplinary team composed of our best health care professionals who utilize evidence-based practices and state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment.
Kidney Transplant: The best option for end-stage
Most often, kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for patients with chronic and end-stage renal disease. A kidney transplant is an operation that places a healthy kidney in the body. The transplanted kidney takes over the work of the two kidneys that failed and dialysis is no longer needed. Often,the new kidney will start making urine as soon as blood starts flowing through it. A successful kidney transplant affords a new beginning for ESRD patients because it offers enhanced quality and duration of life.
A recipient receives a healthy kidney from a donor. Kidneys for transplantation come from either a deceased or a living donor.

Benefits of a Kidney Transplant
A successful kidney transplant has many potential advantages that contribute to an enhanced quality of life. These include:
Freedom from life-long dialysis therapy
Increased energy
Fewer, if any, diet and fluid restrictions
Return to usual lifestyle
Ability to return to work and lead a fuller life
The LKTC specializes in providing the following comprehensive range of services:
Preparation for the Kidney Transplant
Patient & family education program
Recipient & living donor evaluation:
Eligibility assessment & work up
Psychosocial evaluation
Spiritual & financial counseling
Eligibility Assessment
Intra-Operative Kidney Transplant Care
Pre-operative preparation
Kidney transplantation
Donor nephreetomy
Kidney Transplant Evaluation & Management
Immediate post-operative care & management
Evaluation & monitoring of graft function
Management of immediate
Post transplant complications
Routine laboratory evaluation
Diet counseling
Post-transplant patient & family education program
Post operative donor care & management
Kidney Transplant recipient follow up program
Post-transplant laboratory evaluation
Post-transplant vaccination monitoring
Post-transplant routine check up
Post Donor Follow-up Program
For more information or to inquiries, please contact:
Dr. Junico Tan Visaya
Head of Lorma Kidney Transplant Institute
Mrs. Aadra Camille Garcia
Kidney Transplant Coordinator
5th flr. Medical Arts Bldg., Lorma Medical Center
Carlatan, San Fernando City La Union
Tel. no.: (072) 700-0000 loc. 151 / 09178673632
Email: kcenter@lorma.org
Lorma Medical Center
Tel. 072-700-0000 Loc. 202