General Description of the specialty
Rheumatology is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, arthritis, and systemic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
Rheumatologists are exceptional physicians because the diseases they deal with are multisystem, demanding a broad knowledge of all subspecialties of internal medicine. The rheumatologist is often thought to be the most complete physician at an institution, the one to go to to help figure out the most difficult cases. Rheumatologists see a patient’s problem on multiple levels, from the whole person to the molecular. They are expert immunologists, with knowledge that is needed to sort out the immunologic aberrations that are altering the patient’s quality and quantity of life. They address a vast disease spectrum, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and other autoimmune diseases, as well as a host of systemic inflammatory and infectious disorders. The medications they use to rebalance overactive and damaging immune abnormalities are the most modern and sophisticated as any in medicine, and they have to strike the proper balance between disease control and potential side effects.
Rheumatology has disease overlaps with Neurology, Imunology, Orthopedics and Rehabilitation Medicine. It is distinct from Orthopedics in that Orthopedists usually deal with patients with musculoskeletal problems using surgical methods.
Specific Resources/Services of the unit
Rheumatologic Consultations
Intraarticular (Joint)/Intralesional Injections
Immunosuppresive therapy for lupus and autoimmune diseases
New Technology/Innovation provided by the unit
Bone Densitometry/Central DEXA for Osteoporosis (with Dr Hannah-Urbanozo, Corpuz, MD, FPCP, FPSEDM, CCD)
Platelet Rich Plasma Infusion (Dr Mario T. Bautista)
Members of the specialty
Allan D. Corpuz, MD, FPCP, DPRA
Contact Details
Mail: rayuma.doktor@gmail.com
Landline: 072-8882616 local 206
Mobile: 09329992511